14.5 CrossFit Open Your Ultimate Guide to Success

14.5 CrossFit Open

14.5 CrossFit Open Your Ultimate Guide to Success

The 14.5 CrossFit Open workout is known for being one of the toughest challenges in CrossFit history. This guide will help you understand the workout, prepare for it, and give you tips to succeed. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, this article is for you.


What is the 14.5 CrossFit Open Workout?

The 14.5 CrossFit Open workout consists of:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Thrusters (95 lb for men, 65 lb for women)

Bar-Facing Burpees

This means you start with 21 thrusters and 21 bar-facing burpees, then move to 18 thrusters and 18 bar-facing burpees, and so on, until you finish with 3 thrusters and 3 bar-facing burpees.


Understanding the Exercises

Thrusters: A thruster is a combination of a front squat and a push press. Start by holding the barbell at your shoulders. Squat down, then stand up quickly and press the barbell over your head.

Bar-Facing Burpees: Start in a standing position facing the barbell. Drop to the ground, perform a push-up, jump your feet towards your hands, and then jump over the barbell. Turn around and repeat.


Preparing for the 14.5 Workout

Warm-Up Properly

Begin with light cardio to get your blood flowing. Then, do dynamic stretches to loosen up your muscles. Finally, practice a few thrusters and burpees to familiarize yourself with the movements.


 Pace Yourself

This workout is long and exhausting. Begin at a steady, manageable pace. Avoid rushing through the initial rounds to conserve energy for the later ones.


Break the Sets

Break the thrusters into manageable sets. For example, do sets of 7 reps when you have to do 21 thrusters.

Take short breaks, but keep moving. Resting too long will slow you down.

Stay Focused on Burpees

Maintain a consistent pace for your burpees and avoid sprinting at the start. Pay attention to your breathing: inhale as you go down and exhale as you come up.


Use Proper Form

Keep your back straight and core tight during thrusters to avoid injury.

Jump your feet wide during burpees to reduce strain on your back.


Tips for Success

Mental Strength

The 14.5 workout is both mentally and physically demanding. Stay positive and persevere through the challenge.

Break the workout into manageable goals. Concentrate on completing one set at a time.

Eat a balanced meal 2-3 hours before the workout, including carbs for energy and protein for muscle support.

Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day before the workout.



After the workout, cool down with light cardio and stretching. Eat a meal rich in protein and carbs to aid muscle recovery. Ensure you get plenty of rest, as your body needs time to repair and grow stronger.


Final Thoughts

The 14.5 CrossFit Open workout is tough, but with proper preparation and the right mindset, you can conquer it. Remember to pace yourself, use good form, and stay mentally strong. Good luck, and have fun


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Going Out Too Fast

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and start too quickly. This can lead to early fatigue.

Instead, start at a pace that feels slightly too slow. You can always speed up later.


Poor Form on Thrusters

Thrusters require proper form to avoid injury. Common mistakes include rounding your back, not squatting deep enough, and pressing the bar forward instead of overhead.

Focus on keeping your chest up, driving through your heels, and locking out your arms overhead.


Inefficient Burpees

Burpees can become very tiring if done inefficiently. Avoid jumping your feet too close to your hands, which can slow you down.

Instead, jump your feet wider and use your hips to stand up quickly.


Ignoring Breathing

Not paying attention to your breathing can cause you to fatigue faster. Holding your breath during movements will tire you out quickly.

Establish a breathing rhythm. For example, inhale on the way down during a thruster and exhale on the way up.


Strategies for Beginners

Focus on Technique

Before attempting the full workout, ensure you have the right technique for thrusters and burpees. This will help prevent injuries and make the workout more efficient.


Scale the Weight if Needed

If the prescribed weight is too heavy, scale it down. It’s better to use a lighter weight and maintain good form than to struggle with the prescribed weight.


Set Manageable Goals

Instead of aiming to complete the workout in a certain time, focus on completing each set of reps with good form. Take short breaks as needed.


Listen to Your Body

If you feel pain or excessive fatigue, it’s okay to slow down or take a break. Safety should always be your top priority.


14.5 CrossFit Open


Strategies for Advanced Athletes

Plan Your Breaks

Advanced athletes should plan their breaks strategically. For example, break the 21 thrusters into 3 sets of 7 reps with short rests in between.

Keep burpee rest times minimal. Try to maintain a steady pace without long pauses.


Use Visualization Techniques

Visualize yourself performing each set perfectly. This mental rehearsal can help improve your actual performance.


Push Through the Pain

Advanced athletes often can push through discomfort. Remember that the workout is meant to be challenging, and embrace the struggle.


Refine Your Breathing

Advanced athletes should have a specific breathing pattern for each movement. This can help maintain energy levels and improve performance.


Final Preparation Tips

Review the Standards

Make sure you know the movement standards for thrusters and burpees. This will help avoid no-reps during the workout.


Set Up Your Space

Arrange your equipment so you can transition quickly between thrusters and burpees. Minimize any unnecessary movements.


Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Ensure you get enough rest the night before. A well-rested body performs much better than a tired one.


Stay Positive

Maintain a positive attitude. Believe in your training and your ability to complete the workout.


14.5 CrossFit Open



The 14.5 CrossFit Open workout is a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right preparation, pacing, and mindset, you can conquer it. Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps into CrossFit or an advanced athlete looking to improve your score, these tips will help you succeed. Remember to focus on your form, pace yourself, and stay mentally strong. Good luck, and enjoy the workout


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